Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Roundup

There has been so much great stuff on the Internet this week related to Mother’s Day! I had to share some of my favorites.

This really touched my heart. We, Mothers, give pieces of ourselves to our families.

Some encouragement for Moms…who knows your kid might be the next great world leader or president? It’s fun to dream but it also puts our work into perspective; today is not just about the laundry!  Also, this is the initial posting in one of my good friend’s real blog. She’s the Mom I go to when I need advice. Check it out:

And if you just need a laugh, I love this blog. She cracks me up!

Sadly, this is a bittersweet weekend for many of us. Here is a special note to the Motherless Daughter:

Regardless of external circumstances, all Moms share the same heartbeat. The hardest job is the best job. Thanks, P&G. Your commercials make me cry (and now I will buy Tide detergent). Seriously though, grab the Kleenex and then hit play. Your work matters, Momma. 

To all the amazing Mothers in my life: Happy Mother’s Day!!

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