Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Visitors Have Landed

Oh, goodness. My little bloggie has been ignored for a while now. To my three faithful followers, I’m sorry.

It’s been a busy few weeks.

First, we had visitors. 

Next, we had a visitor. 

Then, we had more visitors. 

In the middle of all that, we had a birthday*...

and Easter...

Oh, and we had the stomach flu. (Not pictured, thankfully.)

As you can see, it has been a whirlwind of fun. I’ve eaten my way through El Paso three times! And my “love tank” is full (along with my tummy!). Seriously, visiting a military family, or any family far from home, is pretty much one the best “acts of kindness” you can do. I so appreciate the effort. I wish I could drag everyone to lovely El Paso, but I know that's not possible. I still love you.

So, the good news is: I’m back and going to catch up on all things Ginger, Spice and Everything Nice. Stay tuned for more soon!

*Editors Note: Birthday party was an intimate gathering – family, work phone, yummy cake. You know, the usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your work phone comment just made me snort! So true. Except this unit took away his (and most everybody's) work phone so we have to foot the bill now.