Wednesday, March 14, 2012

At a Loss for Words

I haven’t had much to say lately.

Shocking, I know!

And I haven’t been cooking lately.

Double shocker!

For some reason, I’m in a bit of a funk and slightly uninspired by the ho-hum doldrums of daily life, even though everything is fine, wonderful and blessings abound. I guess the sun shines the brightest in the desert. Or something wonderfully poetic and symbolic like that…

Or, as this interesting article discusses, maybe I need more sleep.  

Or, maybe I need the laundry basket to stay empty for longer than an hour.

Hard to say! But, for now, I’ll point to some of my favorite words of inspiration and encouragement from others. After all, the name of this blog is “everything nice.” Not much moping allowed here.

To start, if you’d like a heart-clutching prayer delivered to your inbox every day, check out this website: Heavenward by Scotty Smith. I can’t tell you how many times stopping to read this prayer has brightened my day and, as the name says, given me a heavenly focus, if only for a moment.  

Next, for a reminder of our need for gratitude, head over to: A Holy Experience. The writings are real, insightful and inspiring, plus, the blog is full of practical resources. I’ve mentioned or linked this blog a few times but it’s worth another mention. It’s been a huge blessing to me.

And finally, words that sound like an angel. 

Regardless of our mood or situation, there is One who is constant. Hooray and Amen!

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