Monday, November 7, 2011

Meal Plan: Part 4 and General Housekeeping

Happy Monday everyone! 

Hubby will be missing several dinners this week (back to "real" Army life!) and when it's only me and the kiddos I don't need to cook as much. Still, I'm trying to remind myself I don't have to live on chicken nuggets and pizza when he's gone. So, here's what's cooking this week at our house: 

Lemony Tuna and Olive Oil Pasta

Frito Chili Pie 

The Frito Chili Pie recipe reminds me of high school (in a good way). We used to make something similar to this with the cafeteria food. It was one of the only cafeteria meals I could stomach. I had a sophisticated palate even then! Anyway, I'm sure this recipe will be worlds better!  

And for our sweet tooth: 

Cinnamon Roll Pumpkin Vanilla Sheet Cake (say that five times fast!) 

As I read this blog, I know God is working on my heart in this same area, the need to let go and accept the chaos of my house and the messes. The breaking process is so hard for me! I still want that perfect - and clean - house! When my house is in order, I can concentrate, when it's not, I can't. I've actually always considered that a personality "plus" but more and more I'm seeing it's a personality flaw. The kids won't remember the clean house. And on my death bed, I won't wish I had spent more time cleaning. Trying to find a balance....

And finally, is anyone else READY for Christmas?! I am. And from many of your Facebook status, I know you are ready, too! I found these two cute ornament crafts, a perfect use for those random ornaments that I've inherited over the years, and they seem to be crafts that I can actually do. (I'm a bit craft-challenged) 

Odd Ball Ornament Chandelier 

Ornament Window Hangings

Click through the slides for more creative ideas. 

Have a great week!

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