Saturday, February 15, 2014

What We're Into: Winter Edition

I love blog posts that do roundups of what people have been reading or listening to or what they’ve learned, etc. I think it’s fun and interesting and I almost always find something new to check out (in all my free time – ha!). So, just for fun, here’s my version of that concept...

I’m calling it “What We’re Into” and - who knows? - maybe I’ll keep going with this series, but for now I’m going to focus on the little things that have made our house feel cozy when it’s been blustery and cold outside.

First off, I have had these three albums on repeat since I turned off the Christmas music. Combine them all for the perfect wintery soundtrack.

Second, while hibernating in your house, you’ve gotta have good snacks. Lately, we’ve been experimenting with fresh-made popcorn and different seasonings. We recently discovered that it’s SO EASY to pop your own popcorn! It does take a minute for taste buds to readjust from the god-only-knows chemicals that makes microwave popcorn so good but I promise these two recipes will not disappoint: Hot Cocoa Popcorn and Birthday Cake Batter Popcorn. I also recommend simply pouring melted butter on top with a sprinkle of sea salt. It’s super tasty, economical, and I’m guessing way better for you!

As for TV, we’re working our way through Season One of The West Wing and Once Upon A Time. We’ve also been watching a surprising amount of the Olympics. Without much prompting from us, the kids have been very interested in it. And now that we have cable again (after 3 years of not having cable!), it’s been fun to have it on throughout the day.

Lastly, we've been snuggling up on the couch with the kids and a good book a lot lately. And we've read some great books this past month (that could be another blog post...). To help ease “we’ve been in the house together too long” tensions, the kids and I are working through “TheYoung Peacemakers” by Corlette Sande.  It is a GREAT family study. The concepts are very easy to implement and the kids love it! I highly recommend it. Also, as part of our homeschool, we’ve been reading “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have to admit, reading about their struggles and seeing the pleasure they found in the simplest things has encouraged my heart so much. I’m not sure who’s liking the story more, me or the kids?! 

According to the groundhog, we’ll be doing this winter thing for a few more weeks. Sigh. I hope you’re all finding a way to stay warm and cozy. (This doesn’t apply to my California and Arizona family and friends with your 80-degree weather. Psh!)

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