Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flashback: Ireland, Spring 2007

Today, on St. Patrick’s Day, I’m thinking about and remembering our trip to Ireland.  It was right before Hubby’s deployment. I was pregnant with Grant. We were living in Italy.  It was crazy times, and the trip was a welcomed break from all the stress we were facing. There was something peaceful, friendly and casual about the trip and the vibe of the people we met. 

Green as far as the eye can see

Mostly, I was excited about the egg bagel sandwiches and Thai food! Oddly, I wasn’t interested in Irish stew, not the potatoes...but Thai food? All I can say is my pregnant body was craving odd comfort foods and I was grateful for the break from Italian cuisine and small breakfast bites at the local “Bar.”  At that point, I hadn’t enjoyed Thai food in almost a year. So during our short visit to Ireland, we ate at that Thai food place twice! 

Of course, between being pregnant (and constantly nauseated) and our rigid 20-month-old daughter’s schedule, we didn’t have a chance to partake in the Irish pubs. In fact, one of our favorite stories to tell is of me and Hubby huddled in the bathroom at 7 pm waiting for Sienna to fall asleep and then creeping into bed and laying in the silent room listening to all the cheers and yelling and bottles crashing at the pub near our hotel.  It sounded like a really good time.

Lastly, as I look back at these photos, I’m amazed by how much my little girl has grown.

Sienna, World Traveler  

And to my friends and family:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

-Irish blessing


Martha said...

I'll always thinks of Sienna as being that age :-/ And speaking from Oktoberfest is NOT always fun to be around breaking glass. No matter how much fun the people doing the breaking think they are having. I saw way more blood there than anyone should ever see in an eating/drinking establishment ;-)

Traci said...

Oooh, I'd love to go to Ireland! Maybe when you guys end up in Europe again we can meet up there! It's a date!

Sienna was and is adorable!

Amy n' Jonas said...

Awwww...Sienna is so adorable and of course she still is!! She looks like the little precious moment dolls!! You guys look like babies